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SL-Calibration Workshop – software for creating chemometric models for quantitative and qualitative analysis

SL Calibration Workshop – modes of operation:

Quantitative factor analysis:
  • Principal Component Regression (PCR)
  • Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR)
Multiple linear regression (MLR):
  • arbitrary combination of search processes
  • most accurate results
PCA library and cluster models:
  • reliable identification and qualification
Arbitrary combination of MLF and factor models:
  • with particular outlier analysis
  • most accurate results

SL CWS calibration input menu

SL Calibration Workshop is used for creating completed applications which are then available for calculating qualitative and quantitative properties of unknown samples using SL Predictor

Technical properties:

Different import formats:

  • JCAMP *.dx, *.jdx (conversion of other formats into *.dx or *.jdx with SL utilities)
  • GRAMS multi-files *.spc
  • Unscrambler *.una, *.uns
  • Binary *.dat
Different possibilities of data pretreatment and spectra selection:
  • standardization
  • smoothing
  • derivations
  • standard normal variate (SNV)
  • combination of all transformation algorithms
  • filter tools for selecting spectra e.g. according to extinction values with arbitrary wavelengths, according to outliers or property valuesl

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