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Technical discussion concerning optical spectroscopy

Philosophy of technical discussions
We hereby cordially invite you to discuss interesting topics together with experts in the field of spectroscopy. Renowned specialists present their theses in a cycle of sequences for discussions. Accompanying contributions will provide you with valuable background information.

In order to carry out discussions on a broad range, they will be held in the English in a manner of international round-table discussions. We therefore ask for your understanding!

May we add a topic of your choice to the discussions? Please send us your theses or editorial contribution! If you have any questions and opinions or if you just like to set up a future discussion we would be pleased helping you!

Practical hints on our discussions:
Our experts would be pleased to answer your technical question occuring in our discussions.

Layout of monochromators and detectors regarding NIR spectroscopy

held by professor Siesler from Essen and accompanied with an professional article about methods of IR, NIR and RAMAN spectroscopy which is called
"Quality-Control and Process-Monitoring by Vibrational Spectroscopy".

This discussion covers current questions concerning technologies of NIR spectrometers as well as resultants of application characteristics.

Technical discussion about fiber optics used in UV spectroscopie held by Professor Klein

Here you can discuss the current development state of fiber optics which are used in spectroscopy. Main focus of this second technical discussion held in our forum is on fiber optics used in UV and well-known problems concerning solarisation resistance.