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getSpec.com - a vision

Instant information, a transparent market survey, competent consultations and procurement from one single source - that's what we offer to users and developers in the field of optical spectroscopy.

GetSpec is an innovative center for information and a wholesale specialist with attached service provider structures in the field of modular optical spectroscopy.

As operator of the portal, Sentronic is a competent, independent partner of manufacturers. Our activities focus on technologies for the measurement of chemical and biological parameters. The fields of applications are broad and touch every sector of life and every industry. The portal GetSpec.com focuses on the components of modular optical spectroscopy.

Spectroscopy these days is experiencing a minor revolution, triggered by innovative companies by miniaturization, improved production methods and innovative concepts. Today, spectrometers are more like sensors. They are sturdy, compact, application-oriented and economical.

With their aid, countless problems can be solved from the detection of skin cancer to the determination of the genuineness of precious stones.

In order to make it easier for you in the future to generate ideas or to solve problems involving spectroscopy, we have made it our objective to promote the growth of this website as much as possible.