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   VIS/NIR Light Sources
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   UV up to NIR Light Source
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  Light Sources
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UV/VIS Light Sources - Product Overview

getLight 1093 SET - Compact Deuterium and Halogen Light Source
The 1093 SET is a deuterium-halogen light source, to be used for UV/VIS/NIR- applications.
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getLight 1092 SET - Deuterium-Halogen Light Source
The getLight 1092 SET is a combined Deuterium and halogen light source, which can be used for UV/VIS/NIR applications.
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getLight-XE-DUV - Xenon Pulsed Light Source for deep UV applications
The getLight-Xe-DUV for spectral range 160-1000nm.
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getLight-Xe - Xenon Pulsed Light Source with Fiber Optic Connection for UV/VIS Spectroscopy
The getLight-Xe xenon pulsed light source is used for UV-applications such as fluorescence measurements.
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Fiberlight - UV/VIS/NIR Light Source as OEM Module
FiberLight is a very compact deuterium-halogen light source for use with fiberoptic coupled spectrometer systems.
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